Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Feminism, and it's pitfalls

Was asked in a bar tonight if I believed in feminism. And I do. In theory. But not in reality. I've always considered myself an absolute realist. And realism has nothing to do with ideology. What I have learned -- as painful as it is -- is that we all are a package. If you give someone a gift, you don't wrap it in newspaper. Same with people. You won't get far if you don't know what you're doing. But if you want someone to listen to you, the reality is this: wear nice clothes, look the best you can, turn on your charm. That's the reality. Intelligence and skill will keep you there, but what opens those doors? Caring about yourself means caring about all of it. And I say that being a smoker, which, of all things, I wish I wasn't.

Entitlement is a weird thing. Realism knows you're entitled to nothing. Use whatever is in your power. Whatever skill, beauty, charm you have .. it's all on the table. To negate any of it, does a disservice.

I was once told that beauty is life's lottery. Not sure I've ever heard a truer statement. Whatever it is that gets your foot in the door, use it. Whether it's beauty, intelligence, charm, family connections ... it doesn't matter. All anyone needs is for that door to open.

It's up to all of us to make the grand entrance.

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